Walking alongside leaders to co-create meaningful change that delivers real results.

Michelle Farrall

Organisational life can be so much sweeter with courageous leaders, a compelling strategy, and captivating brand.


Put simply, it’s courageous leaders who create meaningful change. Courage comes through prioritising self-awareness, making space for reflective thinking, and leading your people in a way that both empowers and holds them accountable. Discover more


Whether it’s a one-off strategy workshop or a comprehensive research-driven strategy development process, there’s nothing more energising than a compelling strategy that’s genuinely ‘owned’ and refreshingly actionable. Discover more


A captivating brand is non-negotiable if you want to capture hearts and minds. Even more powerful is when your brand identity (so much more than just a pretty logo!) has been shaped by your people as a true reflection of who you are and where you’re headed. Discover more



to make or invent something new together with one or more other people

Our Approach to Co-Creation

Leading a team and organisation through change is often fraught with challenges. How to bring people with you on the journey? How to create something that will not only be understood, but actually embraced across all levels?

Drawing on decades of real-world experience with 100+ organisations, we have found that meaningful change can only happen if it’s done through co-creation.

That’s why we coach leaders and offer a carefully facilitated process, bringing expertise and creative ‘magic’ when and where it’s needed.

That way, change can be embedded and truly owned across all organisational levels: from Board and Executive to Teams and Individual Leaders.

Let’s Connect

Get in touch to arrange an initial no-strings-attached chat. We can explore your current context and how co-creation could help you make meaningful change. Fill in the form below or email hello@cocreateconsulting.co.